September 16th , 2017
Jot 2017 just happened and it was amazing for several reasons. It was our ninth Jot conference and since nine is a larger number than eight that means it was clearly a superior conference to all others which have come before it. And we released our first book! Check it out here! It’s a fantastic […]
September 7th , 2016
Time again for another awesome edition of the Jot conference. It’s free, it’s awesome, and it’s this Friday at 7 at Baker Book House 2768 East Paris Ave. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Come learn about writing, meet other writers, and maybe even do some writing yourself. The writing journey can be a long, lonely, difficult […]
September 11th , 2015
So seeing as how i am part of this writer’s group that puts on this conference that i also happen to be speaking at, i figured it would probably be a good idea if i posted something about it. It’s called Jot and we try to do two a year, one in the fall and […]
March 10th , 2015
So i figured i’d mention the free writer’s conference my writer’s group puts on roughly twice a year at Baker Bookhouse in Grand Rapids, MI. It;s called Jot, and it’s free, and it’s one evening. This coming Friday, March 13, 2015. What more do you need to know? I would have stopped reading at the […]
February 17th , 2015
I’m in limbo at the moment. A self imposed limbo of sorts in that i am trying to take a break from writing to recharge my batteries before i revisit book one and tackle a major edit/polish. While i certainly have had more time to theoretically recharge, i am finding the distinction between letting my […]
February 3rd , 2015
It’s an odd feeling finishing the rough draft of a novel. On the one hand, it’s a major accomplishment. Many people dream of writing a book and to complete one, even a rough draft of one, should be celebrated. Still, at the same time, there is a very tangible fear that comes along for the […]
January 19th , 2015
So technically, kind of, maybe, i think i will call the draft finished. It’s an odd feeling. On the one hand it’s hard to say it’s finished because it will certainly need a good deal of editing and re-writing, and on the other hand, when i sit and think it’s time to get to work on […]
January 12th , 2015
It was more like 5,000 words. For some reason i saw that i was on the home stretch and the sense of urgency diminished. I mentioned in an earlier post about the affliction of senior-itis that can strike as a writer and that’s pretty much what happened. I have also noticed that getting to the […]
January 6th , 2015
Got back on track this week and hit my mark despite the new year. My big writing goal for last year was to have this draft done and it looks like i will be a few weeks over the limit, but no biggie. Haven’t yet decided what this years writing goal will be, i am […]
December 29th , 2014
I gave it my best shot but in the end the holiday proved to be too much for me to work around and my epic streak of writing 10,000 words a week has come to a halt. This just goes to show that if you want to get any writing done the most important thing […]
December 23rd , 2014
Eight weeks. 80,000 words. It’s strange in that it feels like i just started at the same time that it feels like I’ve been doing this forever. Another week, another goal hit. time to get back on the trail.
December 15th , 2014
Hit my goal again and crossed the 100,000 word mark for the current draft last week. I had been adding bits and pieces slowly before going on this writing bonanza which accounts for the first 30,000 words or so. I think I’ve pushed through the slogging middle portion and can now see the end in sight. If all […]
December 9th , 2014
Made it six weeks in a row now. I’m solidly over the half way mark. Guessing one more month until the draft is finished if i can continue at this pace. I’d like to be feeling the downhill momentum but it has yet to kick in. Probably another week at least before i start seeing […]
December 2nd , 2014
It was a rough writing week with the holiday. Always great to see family but it puts a damper on my writing momentum. Fortunately i was able to spew out enough words to reach the mark for the fifth week in a row. Now I’m all full of delicious food from the long weekend and […]
November 25th , 2014
So far so good. I’ve managed to keep up the pace for the last four weeks. I can honestly say my brain is getting a bit fatigued. I estimate i am right around the half way point of the draft itself. I have found the first half of any project to be the uphill half. […]
November 17th , 2014
Another successful week of reaching 10,000 words. I have managed to double the size of the current manuscript in the past three weeks, which is exciting. If i can keep up the pace it will be doubled again (And hopefully finished or at least nearly so) in six more weeks. I imagine things will get […]
November 10th , 2014
Another week, another 10,000 words in the books, err in the book i guess is more appropriate. Six more weeks to go. Time to bust out the six guns and get that muse dancing.
November 4th , 2014
I successfully hit my goal of writing 10,000 words last week. My brain was sufficiently fried by the end, but it felt good to hit that mark. Now I only have to do it every week for the next two months. No big deal…
October 27th , 2014
The term “senioritis” comes to mind, though i’m not exactly sure i spelled that correctly or if there is even an officially correct spelling since i’m pretty sure it’s a made up word, but i first heard it in college so i know it’s a thing. It refers to the idea that when you’ve been […]
October 22nd , 2014
October 21st , 2014
Non fiction blogs are easy. Whatever you want your book to be about, that’s what you blog about. Want to write a book about parenting? Blog about parenting. Want to write a book about traveling? Blog about traveling. Want to write a book about how to make homemade ninja weapons? Blog about making homemade ninja […]
October 16th , 2014
Welcome to the new and improved site. It’s been a long time coming and i am excited to get back on the blogging horse. I’ve been wracking my brain over exactly what the purpose of this blog should be. If i wrote non-fiction it would be easy. The blog would function as a way to […]

Jot 2017!!!
September 16th , 2017
Fall Jot 2016
September 7th , 2016
September 11th , 2015
Jot Writer’s Conference
March 10th , 2015
How to Stoke the Writing Flames
February 17th , 2015
The Fork in the Road
February 3rd , 2015
Week 12 of 10,000 Words. Success! Sort of…
January 19th , 2015
Week 11 of 10,000 Words
January 12th , 2015
Week 10 of 10,000 Words
January 6th , 2015
Week 9 of 10,000 Words Destroyed by Christmas
December 29th , 2014
Week 8 of 10,000 Words
December 23rd , 2014
Week 7 of 10,000 Words
December 15th , 2014
Week 6 of 10,000 Words
December 9th , 2014
Week 5 of 10,000 Words and a Happy Thanksgiving
December 2nd , 2014
Week 4 of 10,000 Words
November 25th , 2014
Week 3 of 10,000 Words
November 17th , 2014
Week 2 of 10,000 Words
November 10th , 2014
Week One of 10,000 Words
November 4th , 2014
The Home Stretch
October 27th , 2014
Testing 123
October 22nd , 2014
What to blog about as a fiction writer.
October 21st , 2014
Website Re-launch
October 16th , 2014